The Importance of Benchmarking in Construction
Benchmarking is an approach employed to measure or verify
performance by comparing it with an industry standard or any other information.
It is possible that you think your bid-win percentage is
"really good," but what is the definition of "really good? Do
you need to compare it against your peers or previous experiences? In order to
determine if the winning rate is actually the way you want to see it You might
want to consider doing both!
What benchmarks are you able to use?
The first step is to identify benchmarks that are similar to
the construction business you work for. It's often much more difficult than it
sounds However, there are resources available where you can select and select
relevant statistics. Be sure to take advantage of the historical results of
your business in addition, to measure against.
A few benchmarks that we have found useful and worth
considering could include:
Backlog of working capital
Backlog to G&A What number of months worth of operating
costs will be paid for with your backlog?
Gross profit per FTE
Net over/underbillings in relation to revenue
Net over-/underbillings to equity
The equity of stockholders in relation to
Gross profit from completed and
still-in-progress job
Gain/fade analysis of jobs
Don't forget to include the most commonly-used ratios (e.g.
return on equity, return on assets, current ratio, etc.)
Always contact your reliable RubinBrown advisors should you
have questions regarding benchmarking!
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